poetic device: Assonance

Assonance is when nearby words share the same vowel sounds, especially on their stressed (or accented) syllables, such as “tiny dinosaur” (which share a long “i” sound) or “random hat” (which share a short “a” sound).

These poems all include at least one instance of assonance. See if you can the assonant words in these poems.

The Sand Looks Like Candy by Kenn Nesbitt
The Sand Looks Like Candy
Our Classroom Is Covered in Sparkles
A Valentine for Mom
Rosy the Dozer
My Ugly Pug
Snow Mail by Kenn Nesbitt
Snow Mail
I Saw a Sloth Play Soccer
My Dog Is Not the Smartest Dog
The Toughest Pastry Maker
It’s Raining in My Bedroom
Glurp the Purple Alien
The Winter Olympics are Practically Here
Whenever Yaks Play Basketball
Grave Humor
Bigfoot’s Bewilderment
Payton the Painter by Kenn Nesbitt
Payton the Painter
My Chicken’s On the Internet
Making Cakes by Kenn Nesbitt
Making Cakes
When Rattlesnakes Wear Roller Skates
My Hat Is Full of Rabbits
My Turtle Is the Sporting Sort
December I Went Shopping
Beavers In the Bathroom