poetic device: Descriptive Poems

A descriptive poem is one that mainly describes the subject — whether it be a person, an animal, or an inanimate object — often in great detail, rather than telling a story or expressing one’s feelings.

These poems are all examples of descriptive poetry.

I’m Wearing My Parrot
The Cow on the Hill by Kenn Nesbitt
The Cow on the Hill
My Smartphone Isn’t Very Smart
The Noisy Boys from Boise by Kenn Nesbitt
The Noisy Boys from Boise
I’m Clever Whenever
Ugly Couple
Traditional Christmas
The Pirate of Pickletown by Kenn Nesbitt
The Pirate of Pickletown
My Teacher Calls Me Sweetiecakes by Kenn Nesbitt
My Teacher Calls Me Sweetie Cakes
My Dog Lives On the Sofa
The Elephant Repairman by Kenn Nesbitt
The Elephant Repairman
My Lunch
Mr. Right by Kenn Nesbitt
Mr. Right
The Geese Are Honking Overhead by Kenn Nesbitt
The Geese Are Honking Overhead
Captain Impossible by Kenn Nesbitt
Captain Impossible
My Kitten's Unable by Kenn Nesbitt
My Kitten’s Unable
My Sister Thinks She’s Santa Claus
This Poem's Not About a Dog by Kenn Nesbitt
This Poem’s Not About a Dog
How Not to Cook by Kenn Nesbitt
How Not to Cook
My Legs Both Understand Me
Frank the Friendly Alien
Hannah’s Hammer
Springy Sidewalk
Wayne the Stegosaurus