poetic device: Irony

Irony is when what you expect to happen doesn’t occur, but instead results in the opposite action or effect. For example, if someone were run over by an ambulance, or if you went to “Camp Sunshine” and it rained the whole week.

All of these poems have at least one example of irony each, usually at the end of the poem. See if you can figure out what is ironic in each of these poems.

I Dreamed it Was December by Kenn Nesbitt
I Dreamed it Was December
My Teacher Took My iPod by Kenn Nesbitt
My Teacher Took My iPod
Today I Wrote this Poem by Kenn Nesbitt
Today I Wrote this Poem
Somebody Stole My Butt by Kenn Nesbitt
Somebody Stole My Butt
Cooking Class by Kenn Nesbitt
Cooking Class
Zoom Gloom by Kenn Nesbitt
Zoom Gloom
Running Late by Kenn Nesbitt
Running Late
My Brother Ate My Smartphone by Kenn Nesbitt
My Brother Ate My Smartphone
My Puppy Ate My Earbuds by Kenn Nesbitt
My Puppy Ate My Earbuds
Incomplete Trick-or-Treat by Kenn Nesbitt
Incomplete Trick-or-Treat
My Christmas Travel Plan by Kenn Nesbitt
My Christmas Travel Plan
Easter Feaster by Kenn Nesbitt
Easter Feaster
I'm Glad at Last It's Halloween by Kenn Nesbitt
I’m Glad at Last It’s Halloween
My Sister Should Be an Explorer
Perfect by Kenn Nesbitt
The First Day of School
After Thanksgiving
I Helped My Mom Make Dinner by Kenn Nesbitt
I Helped My Mom Make Dinner
Mrs. Mandy's Candy Shop by Kenn Nesbitt
Mrs. Mandy’s Candy Shop
I'd Like to Be a Movie Star by Kenn Nesbitt
I’d Like to Be a Movie Star
Elaine the Complainer by Kenn Nesbitt
Elaine the Complainer
When Larry Made Lasagna
Saturday's My Lazy Day by Kenn Nesbitt
Saturday’s My Lazy Day
Rules for School by Kenn Nesbitt
Rules for School