Thank You for Being a Member!

Thank You for Your Support

Thank you for being a member of and a supporter of author/poet Kenn Nesbitt. Your monthly membership comes with the following benefits:

Member Level

Ad-Free Experience: Now that you have logged in, if you clicked the “Remember Me” checkbox, you will remain logged in for 30 days which will provide you with an ad-free experience on the website. If you begin to see ads on the site, this means your login has expired. Simply log in again to view poetry4kids without ads. Please bookmark the url along with the username and password you received on BuyMeACoffee.

Access to Poems Organized by Book: Click here to view all of the poems in any given book of mine. Feel free to bookmark that page, or you can access it from the Member Benefits post on the membership page of Buy Me a Coffee (BMAC).

Two Free eBooks: Visit the Membership page on Buy Me a Coffee (BMAC) and view the Member Benefits post to download eBooks of The Armpit of Doom and The Biggest Burp Ever in three formats; PDF, Kindle (mobi), and Epub (for Nook and other ereaders).

Special Early Access to YouTube Videos: As I post new videos on YouTube, I will make them available to supporters at least a week before I make them available to the public. Links will be available on your Buy Me a Coffee member page and should go out to you by email or by notification from the Buy Me a Coffee iPhone and Android apps.

Direct Message Me through BMAC: Have a question, comment, or suggestion. Reach out to me directly through your BMAC member page or app.

Email me at my private, members-only email address: Feel free to reach out to me any time by email at

Poetry Lover Level

The Poetry Lover level members have access to all of the above, plus the following additional rewards:

Two More Free eBooks: Visit the Membership page on Buy Me a Coffee (BMAC) and view the Member Benefits post to download eBooks of My Cat Knows Karate and My Dog Likes to Disco in three formats; PDF, Kindle (mobi), and Epub (for Nook and other ereaders).

Two Free Audiobooks: Visit the Membership page on Buy Me a Coffee (BMAC) and view the Member Benefits post to download fully-produced audiobooks of My Hippo Has the Hiccups and The Tighty-Whitey Spider in MP3 format to listen to on your phone, tablet or other device.

Members-Only Access to Monthly Poetry-Writing Workshops: Each month, I will be doing two virtual poetry-writing programs designed for elementary students. One will be on Zoom and the other on Google Meet. Dates, times, and login links will be provided through BMAC.

Super Member Level

At the Super Member level, you are helping me not just to maintain poetry4kids and create new poems and lessons, but also to work on larger projects such as more fully-produced audiobooks and animated videos. These things cost money to produce, and your support will make that happen.

Super Members will receive all Reader and Poetry Lover rewards, plus these additional benefits:

Annual Free Online Author Visit: A free 45-minute virtual author visit just for you and your class once per year. This is a $300 value on it’s own, but is discounted to just the cost of your membership.

Early Access to Future Ebooks and Audiobooks: As I create new ebooks and audiobooks, you will receive them for free, at least a month before the official publication date. Ebooks will be available in PDF, Kindle, and Epub formats, and audiobooks will be in MP3 format

Thank You!

Thank you for helping support my mission to turn students into lifelong readers and poetry-lovers. No matter what membership level you have chosen, I truly appreciate your generous contribution!